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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **Excessive rainfall alert for later Saturday/Saturday night...major storm to pound the region with flash flooding potential**

Paul Dorian

6-Day Philly Forecast


Mostly cloudy with another shower or two possible although skies can brighten at times, cooler than yesterday, highs in the upper 70’s


Cloudy, showers likely to develop late at night, mild, lows near 65 degrees


Cloudy, cooler, becoming windy, periods of rain with embedded thunderstorms possible, some of the rain will be heavy at times; especially, during the PM hours, highs confined to near 70 degrees

Saturday Night

Cloudy, windy, cool, periods of rain with possible thunderstorms, some of the rain will be heavy at times, near 60 degrees


Mostly cloudy skies with a lingering shower possible early, there can be some brightening in the afternoon, still on the cool side of normal, quite breezy, mid 70’s


Mostly sunny, warmer, near 80 degrees


Partly sunny, warm, chance for showers and thunderstorms late, low 80’s


Partly sunny, warm, chance for showers and thunderstorms, low 80’s


A major rain event is on the way...low pressure generated some rain in the Mid-Atlantic region last night as we began a transition to a cooler weather pattern, but a much more significant system will affect us on Saturday and Saturday night with as much as 1.50 to 3.00 inches of rain. Last night's system will pull away from the region this morning and high pressure will briefly try to build into the area. Another - and much more impressive - low pressure system will track along a frontal boundary this weekend from the Ohio Valley into southwestern New York State and it is likely to generate heavy rain for much of the I-95 corridor on Saturday and Saturday night. Embedded thunderstorms will also play a role in this unfolding large system; especially, in southern sections of the Mid-Atlantic region. Lingering showers are possible early Sunday and it’ll stay on the cool side of normal, but it'll turn warmer with more sunshine as we begin the new work week.

