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7:00 AM | Arctic blast arrives on Monday


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | Arctic blast arrives on Monday

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Mainly sunny, breezy, cold, highs in the low-to-mid 40’s


Partly cloudy, cold, lows near 30 degrees


Mainly sunny, brisk, cold, near 40 degrees

Saturday Night

Partly cloudy, cold, near freezing


Mainly sunny, cold, low 40’s


Mainly sunny, breezy, quite cold, low 30’s


Mainly sunny, quite cold, mid 20's


Mainly sunny, not quite as cold, low 40’s


A colder weather pattern is now taking hold in the Mid-Atlantic region and we’ll experience much more seasonable temperatures for the foreseeable future. Along with the change to colder and drier weather, we’ll also experience more in the way of sunshine compared to the recent persistently cloudy stretch. There will be another cold frontal passage late Sunday which will usher in a true Arctic air mass for Monday and Tuesday. As a result, temperatures won’t climb higher than the 30’s for highs - maybe not even out of the 20's - and there will be a stiff NW wind causing even lower wind chill values.