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7:00 AM | *Another Arctic blast arrives this week is looking quite cold*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Another Arctic blast arrives this week is looking quite cold*

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Partly sunny skies today, but despite the sunshine, temperatures will stay at below-normal levels, highs in the upper 40’s


Mainly clear, cold, lows near 35 degrees


Mainly sunny, still chilly for mid-November, near 50 degrees for highs

Wednesday Night

Becoming mainly cloudy, chilly, chance of showers late, lows near 40 degrees by morning


Mainly sunny, a bit milder, low-to-mid 50’s


Mainly sunny, a bit colder, near 50 degrees


Mainly sunny, a bit milder, chance of showers, mid 50’s


Partly sunny, windy, cold, chance of a snow shower, low 40’s


Temperatures for the rest of week will moderate some compared to the recent chill, but they’ll still be primarily below-normal for this time of year. Another serious shot of cold air looks likely to arrive in the Mid-Atlantic region by Sunday of the upcoming weekend and it appears that this overall colder-than-normal weather pattern will continue right through much of next week. The weekend Arctic blast is likely to result in an impressive “lake-effect” snow event for those areas in and around the still relatively warm Great Lakes. As cold Arctic air flows over the warmer waters of the Great Lakes, the lower atmosphere tends to destabilize and snow showers/squalls are likely to be the outcome in the typical “lake-effect” region of the Northeast US and Great Lakes – perhaps a snow shower can even make it into the I-95 corridor. Abnormal high pressure will settle into northern Canada by later in the weekend and this type of “high-latitude blocking” pattern will likely help to sustain the colder-than-normal conditions around here right through most or all of Thanksgiving week with a reinforcing shot of Arctic air possible just before Turkey Day.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.