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7:00 AM | ***Accumulating snow threat back on for later today and roads could get quite slippery***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Accumulating snow threat back on for later today and roads could get quite slippery***

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Mainly cloudy and cold with snow likely later in the day, highs near 30 degrees


Evening snow and then becoming partly cloudy late, accumulations on the order of a dusting to a couple of inches, cold, lows near 25 degrees


Mainly sunny, cold, mid-to-upper 30’s

Saturday Night

Partly cloudy, cold, lows in the mid 20’s by morning


Partly sunny, cold, chance for a few late day or nighttime rain and/or snow showers, near 40 degrees for highs


Mainly cloudy, chilly, near 45 degrees


Mainly cloudy, chilly, good chance for showers late in the day or at night, mid-to-upper 40’s


Partly sunny, windy, colder, upper 30’s


Earlier in the week, it looked like we had a real threat for more accumulating snow at the end of the work week. Then the chances seemingly diminished at mid-week as it appeared a couple waves of energy would not consolidate in time to have an impact on the local region. Now, the threat is back on and indeed it looks like low pressure will form quickly enough near the Mid-Atlantic coastline later today to generate accumulating snow in at least parts of our area; primarily, from the city of NYC to points south from there. Snow should break out late this afternoon and continue into the evening rush hour and accumulations on the order of a dusting to a couple of inches in the city of NYC and points east and south from there. Roads could get slippery in a hurry given the very cold ground-level conditions. After a cold day on Saturday, a milder stretch of weather will finally arrive for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.