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7:00 AM | *Chance of snow continues for Sunday night/early Monday...significant snow threat late next week*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Chance of snow continues for Sunday night/early Monday...significant snow threat late next week*

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Mainly cloudy, milder, maybe a PM shower or two, highs in the mid 40’s


Mostly cloudy, chilly, chance for some rain late, lows in the lower 40’s


Mainly cloudy, even milder, periods of rain likely, low 50's for highs

Saturday Night

Mainly cloudy with evening showers possible, becoming breezy and turning colder late, lows in the mid 30’s by morning


Partly sunny, cold, low 40’s; chance for snow or rain changing to snow at night


Mainly cloudy early with lingering snow showers possible, becoming partly sunny later in the day, breezy, cold, upper 30’s


Partly sunny, quite cold, low 30's for highs


Mainly sunny, still quite cold, near 30 degrees


The weather pattern across the nation will become quite wild over the next couple of weeks with widespread bitter cold and multiple snow threats. After a mild and wet day on Saturday in the Mid-Atlantic, a strong cold front will pass through the region and usher in a colder air mass for Christmas Eve (Sunday). In fact, it looks like once this colder pattern sets up in the Mid-Atlantic region, it’ll stick around going well into the month of January. In addition to the upcoming cold, there are likely to be multiple snow threats going forward including one for the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US on Sunday night and early Monday (Christmas Day) and then another accumulating snow threat at the end of next week (~Friday, 12/29) and this could be a big storm followed by some brutal cold.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.