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7:00 AM | ***Relentless Arctic cold through next week...snow showers possible on Saturday***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Relentless Arctic cold through next week...snow showers possible on Saturday***

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Mainly sunny, bitter cold, breezy, highs near 20 degrees with even lower wind chills


Mostly cloudy, brutal cold, lows in the upper single digits


Partly sunny, very cold, maybe a snow shower or two, low 20’s for highs

Friday Night

Mainly cloudy, bitter cold, lows in the mid-teens by morning


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance of snow showers, possible minor accumulations, mid 20’s


Mainly sunny, frigid cold, breezy, upper teens


Partly sunny, brutal cold, near 20 degrees for highs


Mainly sunny, still frigid cold, low 20's


Our relentless Arctic cold weather will continue right through next week and the worst may be yet to come. Arctic high pressure dominates the scene across the eastern two-thirds of the nation and this will be the case for many more days. A clipper system will drop southeastward into our area by Saturday and it can produce some accumulating snow in the Mid-Atlantic region. This clipper system will usher in a fresh Arctic air mass for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday which will be an extremely cold period for much of the country. A bigger snow threat looms for the middle of next week as a storm may ride up the east coast.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.