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7:00 AM | *Rain signals the beginning of a major pattern change to cold*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Rain signals the beginning of a major pattern change to cold*

Paul Dorian

6-Day Huntsville Forecast


Mainly cloudy, breezy, not as warm, rain likely and possibly a thunderstorm, highs near 50 degrees, but temperatures will fall late in the day


Mainly cloudy, colder, chance of showers, lows near 35 degrees


Mainly sunny, breezy, cold, mid 40’s for afternoon highs

Wednesday Night

Partly cloudy, cold, mid 30’s for overnight lows


Partly sunny, cold, near 50 degrees


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance for rain and/or snow showers, mid 40’s


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance for rain and/or snow showers, low 40’s


Mainly sunny, cold, mid-to-upper 40’s


A major pattern change is going to take place around here over the next couple of days and it will lead to a sustained period of colder-than-normal temperatures. The strong cold front that will usher in the initial cold shot in this unfolding pattern change will produce rain around here from today into early tomorrow and there can be a thunderstorm mixed in as well. On Wednesday, the wind will pick up out of the northwest and the colder air mass will pour into the Tennessee Valley and actually reach way down into the Deep South. An intensifying upper-level trough in the eastern US will have lots of energy rotating around it late this week and this weekend and there is the potential for low pressure to form near the east coast which could result in some snow or rain showers around here. Another cold air outbreak is destined to arrive next week and it looks to be even colder than this initial blast and way below-normal for this time of year.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.