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7:00 AM | *Occasional rain today and a couple of strong pattern to bring us possible significant rain at the end of the week*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Occasional rain today and a couple of strong pattern to bring us possible significant rain at the end of the week*

Paul Dorian

6-Day DC Forecast


Mainly cloudy today with occasional rain and a couple of strong thunderstorms, some of the rain will come down hard at times, warm, highs in the lower 70’s


Evening showers still possible, mainly cloudy and turning colder after midnight, lows by morning in the upper 40's


Mainly sunny, breezy and cooler, mid 60’s

Wednesday Night

Mainly clear and cold, upper 30’s


Mainly sunny, cool, mid-to-upper 50’s


Mainly cloudy, cool, rain likely, mid 50’s


Mainly cloudy, milder, chance for showers, low 60’s


Mainly sunny, mild, low 60’s


Yesterday, a warm front produced showers in the region and today low pressure will combine with a cold front to generate additional showers and perhaps a couple of strong thunderstorms, some of the rain will fall heavily for a brief time. Canadian high pressure will build into the area late tonight and on Wednesday and we’ll cool down some for much of the second half of the week. Another low pressure area will approach by the end of the week and more rain is likely on Friday and this could turn into a significant rain event for the Mid-Atlantic region.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian

Vencore, Inc.