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7:00 AM | **Heavy rain event today/ pattern brings more significant rain next week**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **Heavy rain event today/ pattern brings more significant rain next week**

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Periods of rain and some of the rain will be heavy at times, becoming breezy, cold, there can even be a thunderstorm mixed in, highs in the lower 40’s


Periods of rain, some of the rain will be heavy at times, there can even be a thunderstorms mixed in, windy and cold, lows in the upper 30’s


Rain likely in the morning; otherwise, mainly cloudy skies, windy and cold, mid 40's for highs

Saturday Night

Partly cloudy and cold, upper 30’s


Becoming mainly sunny, a bit milder, upper 50’s


Increasing clouds, mild, rain likely later in the day and at night, mid 50’s


Mainly cloudy with rain likely, mild, mid-to-upper 50’s


Mainly sunny, mild, near 60 degrees


Talk about going out like a lion! March will end with a heavy rain event in the Mid-Atlantic region and the result could be more than three inches of rain in some spots by early tomorrow morning. The rain will fall heavily at times today and tonight and there can even be a strong thunderstorm or two in the mix. Any lingering rain early tomorrow will give way to mainly cloudy skies and then Sunday is likely to turn out to be a pretty decent day. However, the next wave in a series of waves traversing the country from west-to-east in this active weather pattern will likely bring more significant rain to the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor later Monday into Tuesday. Following that early week rain threat, there are signs for another big rain event here in the Mid-Atlantic region late next week – most likely in the later Thursday/Friday time period - and this one looks like it could be followed by an impressive surge of cold air for the eastern US.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian

Vencore, Inc.