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7:00 AM | An unsettled weather pattern for the next five days, but the weekend should have some rain-free time


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | An unsettled weather pattern for the next five days, but the weekend should have some rain-free time

Paul Dorian

6-Day Philly Forecast


Steady rain until about mid-morning and some of it can be briefly heavy then remaining mostly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms likely late this afternoon, some of the late day storms that form can be on the strong side, warm, highs not far from 70 degrees


Mainly cloudy skies and turning cooler late, cannot rule out a shower or thunderstorm early, lows by morning near 50 degrees


Mainly cloudy, noticeably cooler, chance of showers at just about anytime, but some of the day will be rain-free, low 60’s

Saturday Night

Mainly cloudy, chilly, showers are likely, mid-to-upper 40’s for lows


Cloudy and quite cool with a few showers possible, but much of the time should be rain-free, near 60 degrees


Mainly cloudy, cool, occasional showers likely, low 60’s


Mainly cloudy, cool, occasional showers likely, low 60’s


Partly sunny, warmer, low 70's


An unsettled weather pattern is setting up for the next five days in the I-95 corridor region from DC-to-Philly-to-NYC. Steady rain this morning will give way to mainly cloudy skies as a cold front approaches from our west. This front is likely to generate scattered showers and thunderstorms later today in the Mid-Atlantic region and some of the storms can be on the strong side. The front stalls out to our south this weekend and low pressure will track along it towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline. While the weekend rain associated with this low pressure system will stay primarily to the south of the PA/MD border, there can be some shower activity around here; especially, on Saturday and Saturday night. This same low pressure is then likely to ride farther to the north early next week and threaten us with rain on Monday and Tuesday before it finally pulls away at mid-week.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian

Vencore, Inc.