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7:00 AM | **Another soaking rain event and there can be strong-to-severe thunderstorms**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **Another soaking rain event and there can be strong-to-severe thunderstorms**

Paul Dorian

6-Day DC Forecast


Mainly sunny and comfortable, highs near 70 degrees


Becoming cloudy with rain possible late, maybe a strong thunderstorm or two, cool, lows in lower 50’s


Showers and thunderstorms likely, some of the rain can be heavy at times and some of the storms can be strong-to-severe, windy, mild, upper 60's

Thursday Night

Showers still possible during the evening hours; otherwise, mainly cloudy skies, windy and turning colder late, low 40's by morning


Mainly cloudy, windy and chilly with an occasional shower possible, low 50's


Mainly sunny, breezy and cool for early April, mid-to-upper 50’s


Mainly sunny, milder, mid 60’s


Mainly sunny, warm, low-to-mid 70's


The active weather pattern that we have been experiencing during the past couple of weeks has one more potent system to send our way and it looks like it will produce a soaking rain around here and ingredients may come together for strong-to-severe thunderstorms. A major storm will develop in the Mid-Atlantic region by tomorrow afternoon and this combined with vigorous upper-level energy and powerful low-level and upper-level jet streaks should result in a significant rainfall (0.5-1.0 inches) and possible strong-to-severe thunderstorms. On the backside of the storm, it’ll turn much cooler and stay windy on Friday around here with additional rain showers possible. Accumulating snow is likely on Friday from the eastern Great Lakes region to the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian

Vencore, Inc.