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7:00 AM | *90+ degrees today and Thursday...back door cold front brings us cooler weekend*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *90+ degrees today and Thursday...back door cold front brings us cooler weekend*

Paul Dorian

6-Day DC Forecast


Mainly sunny, very warm and more humid, highs near 90 degrees


Mainly clear, mild, lows in the upper 60’s


Mainly sunny, very warm and humid, low 90’s for highs

Thursday Night

Partly cloudy, quite mild, near 70 degrees for lows


Partly sunny, breezy, still quite warm, but quite as excessive as Thursday, chance of showers and thunderstorm, upper 80’s


Partly sunny, breezy, noticeably cooler, low 70’s


Mainly cloudy, comfortable temperatures, mid-to-upper 70’s


Mainly cloudy, breezy, warmer, showers and thunderstorms likely, near 80 degrees


A surge of very warm air will push temperatures to or slightly above the 90 degree mark later today and tomorrow afternoon – perhaps even to record high levels in some spots on Thursday. It’ll stay quite warm on Friday as well with highs well up in the 80’s to end the work week, but there is relief coming this weekend as a classic back door cold front pushes through the region. This front will bring about a low-level wind shift from southwest to northeast – and that would bring much cooler air into the region from the still-chilly waters of the western Atlantic Ocean. Temperatures this weekend are likely to be held in the 70’s for highs on both days. On Monday, a strong cold front is liable to produce showers and thunderstorms up and down the I-95 corridor as it pushes in from the Ohio Valley. Looking elsewhere, while the eastern states experience a surge of very warm air, cold air for this time of year is plunging into the western states and there may actually be a foot or more of snow in Denver later in the week.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian

Vencore, Inc.