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7:00 AM | Warmer pattern to set up here for the second half of the month


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | Warmer pattern to set up here for the second half of the month

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Mainly sunny, a bit warmer, highs in the lower 80’s


Becoming cloudy, mild, lows in the upper 50’s


Mainly cloudy, warm, chance for showers, upper 70’s for afternoon highs

Wednesday Night

Mainly cloudy, mild, chance for showers, lows in the upper 60’s by morning


Partly sunny, warm, chance for showers, low 80’s


Partly sunny, warm, chance for showers, maybe a thunderstorm, near 80 degrees


Mainly cloudy, warm, chance of showers, near 80 degrees


Partly sunny, warm, near 80 degrees


The remains of Irma will bring us the chance for showers by later today and that threat will continue into the late week as the system stalls out as it gradually dissipates. It’ll turn slightly warmer as the week progresses and the overall cool pattern of the first ten days of September will evolve into a warmer pattern relative-to-normal as we head towards the second half of the month. Meanwhile, Hurricane Jose will take an erratic pattern over the few days over the western Atlantic and then it should take a more consistent path to the northwest and towards the US east coast. We may to deal with Jose as a threat in the Mid-Atlantic region somewhere by the middle or latter part of next week.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.