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7:00 AM | **All eyes on Hurricane Jose which comes uncomfortably close to the coastline**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **All eyes on Hurricane Jose which comes uncomfortably close to the coastline**

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Mainly cloudy with some drizzle and fog, warm, muggy, highs in the upper 70’s


Mainly cloudy, mild, couple showers possible, lows in the mid 60’s


Mainly cloudy, becoming windy, not as warm, showers can evolve into a steadier rainfall, mid 70’s for afternoon highs

Tuesday Night

Mainly cloudy, windy, mild, steady rain likely, lows in the mid 60’s by morning


Early clouds and showers give way to partial PM sunshine, windy, warm, upper 70's


Mainly sunny, warm, near 80 degrees


Mainly sunny, warm, upper 70’s


Partly sunny, warm, near 80 degrees


The tropics continue to remain very active with three separate systems and the next couple of days will feature a close call between Hurricane Jose and the Northeast US coastline. Tropical storm conditions from Hurricane Jose are possible from later tomorrow into early Wednesday along coastal sections from the Delmarva Peninsula to New England and that includes Long Island. These coastal areas are likely to experience coastal flooding at high tide, rough surf, and some soaking wind-driven rain with the closest approach of Jose. Looking ahead, Jose is likely to turn to the northeast later this week and seemingly "out-to-sea", but it could actually take a loop back around and head westward again in several days towards the Mid-Atlantic likely in a weakened state.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.