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7:00 AM | **Heavy rain arrives late today/early tonight and continues into early Saturday as strong cold front slowly pushes through the region...powerful wind gusts later tomorrow**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **Heavy rain arrives late today/early tonight and continues into early Saturday as strong cold front slowly pushes through the region...powerful wind gusts later tomorrow**

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Occasional showers, maybe a strong thunderstorm, windy, unseasonably warm, steadier and heavier rain may develop by the end of the afternoon, highs not far from 70 degrees


Occasional rain, maybe a strong-to-severe thunderstorm, some of the rain will be heavy at times, breezy, mild early, turning cooler late, lows near 55 degrees


Showers in the morning and then skies should become partly sunny for the afternoon, windy with gusts to 50 mph, chilly, mid-to-upper 50’s for highs

Saturday Night

Mainly clear, still quite breezy during the evening, but winds die down after midnight cold, upper 30's for late night lows


Mainly sunny, cool, mid 50’s


Becoming mainly cloudy, still cool, good chance of rain later in the day, mid-to-upper 50’s


Mainly cloudy, a bit milder, good chance of showers late in the day or at night, mid 60’s


Partly sunny, mild, chance of showers, low-to-mid 60’s


Scattered showers have moved into the region as a strong cold front slowly advances towards the east coast and they’ll continue off and on for the next several hours with a possible strong thunderstorm or two mixed in as well. Steadier and heavier rain will develop late in the day or early tonight and continue into early Saturday as low pressure forms along the frontal boundary zone and enhances upward motion over the Mid-Atlantic region. There can also be a strong-to-severe thunderstorm tonight and flash flooding may become a concern during some of the expected downpours. Cooler and drier air will pour into the region later tomorrow on stiff NW winds gusting to 50 mph and it’ll stay cooler-than-normal on Sunday as well. More inclement weather is likely during the first half of next week with a couple of new disturbances threatening us with additional rain - one on Monday and a second by Tuesday night. One final note, it is time this weekend to once again to turn back the clocks - a sure sign that winter is fast approaching.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.