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6:00 AM | *Snow and sleet to plain rain today with small accumulations possible before the changeover*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

6:00 AM | *Snow and sleet to plain rain today with small accumulations possible before the changeover*

Paul Dorian

6-Day Philadelphia Forecast


Snow and sleet this morning will change to plain rain for the afternoon, cold, snow/ice accumulations of an inch or less are possible before the changeover to rain, highs near 40 degrees late in the day


Mainly cloudy with lingering rain this evening, becoming breezy and turning colder late, black ice possible towards morning, lows near 25 degrees


Mainly sunny, breezy, cold, near 30 degrees for afternoon highs

Thursday Night

Partly cloudy, quite cold, upper teens for overnight lows


Mainly cloudy, cold, mid-to-upper 30’s


Mainly cloudy, milder, chance of showers, low-to-mid 40’s


Mainly cloudy, mild, chance of rain, upper 40’s


Partly sunny, seasonably cold, lower 40’s


Low pressure will move from southwest-to-northeast today parallel to Route I-95 and this will allow for some milder air to push in from off the ocean changing any frozen precipitation this morning to plain rain for the afternoon hours. Before the changeover takes place, there can be small snow/ice accumulations on the order of an inch or less with the greatest probability to the north and west of the metro area. After the rain winds down tonight, temperatures will drop well down in the 20’s and black ice can form in the wee hours of the morning on untreated surfaces. Thursday promises to be a cold, breezy and cold day with temperatures struggling to pass the 30 degree mark for the Eagles championship parade.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.