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7:00 AM | *Another intense ocean storm to develop to our northeast*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Another intense ocean storm to develop to our northeast*

Paul Dorian

6-Day DC Forecast


Cloudy, cold, chance for snow and/or rain showers from mid-day through the afternoon hours, highs in the upper 30’s


Snow showers likely with the greatest likelihood east of I-95, cold, lows in the upper 20’s


Mainly cloudy early then partly sunny, breezy, cold, lower 40’s for afternoon highs

Tuesday Night

Partly cloudy, cold, upper 20’s for overnight lows


Partly sunny, cold, snow showers possible, near 40 degrees


Partly sunny, breezy, cool, mid 40’s


Partly sunny, breezy, milder, lower 50’s


Partly sunny, mild, chance of showers, mid 50’s


Strong low pressure will head towards the Carolina coastline this morning and then take a turn to the northeast and intensify along the way as it heads to a position well off the NJ coastline by early Tuesday and then off of eastern New England by late Tuesday.  As with prior coastal storms, the greatest intensification of this storm will take place to our northeast sparing the DC metro region of anything significant in terms of precipitation. A mix of rain and snow showers is possible today and then as the storm intensifies to our northeast tonight, snow showers will threaten; especially, in areas to the east of I-95 where small accumulations are possible (e.g., Anne Arundel County).

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.