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6:00 AM | ****Major storm to bring extreme winds to the region with widespread power outages****


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

6:00 AM | ****Major storm to bring extreme winds to the region with widespread power outages****

Paul Dorian

6-Day DC Forecast


Extremely windy today with gusts to 70 mph possible, colder with more rain early in the day that will mix with or change to sleet and/or snow at times, highs in the lower 40's early in the day


Extremely windy with mainly cloudy skies, cold, lows by morning in the mid 30’s


Becoming mainly sunny, very windy in the morning, diminishing winds in the afternoon, cold, mid-to-upper 40’s for afternoon highs

Saturday Night

Partly cloudy, cold, late night lows in the low-to-mid 30’s


Mainly sunny, chilly, upper 40’s


Mainly sunny, chilly, upper 40’s


Increasing clouds, chilly, upper 40’s


Mainly cloudy, chilly, chance of rain showers, mid-to-upper 40’s


The threat for widespread power outages is very high today in the DC metro region given the expectation of wind gusts to 70 mph and the saturated grounds from recent rains which tend to weaken the root support system. As a result of intense high-latitude blocking to our north, this rapidly intensifying ocean storm will run into an “atmospheric brick wall” near Cape Cod, MA this morning and rather than taking the usual track for a nor’easter off to the east of Maine, it will be forced to the south. As it drops south, colder air is also plunging southward and so will the rain/snow line. The rain will likely mix with or change to sleet and/or snow at times today in the DC metro region, but the biggest factor from this powerhouse storm will be the extreme winds.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.