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7:00 AM | *Yet another unsettled weekend as moist pattern continues into next week...cooling trend begins on Sunday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Yet another unsettled weekend as moist pattern continues into next week...cooling trend begins on Sunday*

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Mainly cloudy, warmer, humid, occasional showers possible during the PM hours, maybe a thunderstorm, highs in the low-to-mid 80’s


Mainly cloudy, mild, muggy, occasional showers possible, maybe a thunderstorm, patchy fog possible, lows near 70 degrees


Mainly cloudy, warm, occasional showers likely, maybe a thunderstorm, some of the rain can be heavy, near 80 degrees for afternoon highs

Saturday Night

Mainly cloudy with occasional showers possible, maybe a thunderstorm, turning cooler late, lower 60’s for overnight lows


Mainly cloudy, cooler, an occasional shower possible, upper 60’s


Mainly cloudy, cool, occasional showers likely, mid 60’s


Becoming partly sunny, cool, chance of showers, upper 60's


Partly sunny, comfortable, lower 70’s


Another wet weekend is coming to the region and this will be the sixth in a row – certainly not an easy year to cut the grass. The grounds are already well saturated in the NYC metro region after recent rains and any additional significant rainfall can result in localized flash flooding. Tropical moisture is deeply entrenched in the eastern third of the nation and multiple disturbances over the next few days will “squeeze out” the abundant moisture in the atmosphere resulting in occasional downpours and embedded thunderstorms. It’ll turn noticeably cooler on Sunday and this cooling trend will continue for much of next week in the Northeast US.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.