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7:00 AM | ***Some snow late today/tonight...major weekend storm to bring lots of precipitation...Arctic blast follows***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Some snow late today/tonight...major weekend storm to bring lots of precipitation...Arctic blast follows***

Paul Dorian

6-Day DC Forecast


Mainly cloudy, colder than yesterday, snow is possible by the end of the afternoon, temperatures holding nearly steady in the mid 30's


Snow likely with accumulations possible by morning on the order of a coating to an inch or two, the snow may mix with sleet and/or freezing rain late, cold, lows near 30 degrees


Cloudy early Friday morning then it should become partly sunny and not as cold in the afternoon, low-to-mid 40’s for afternoon highs

Friday Night

Partly cloudy, cold, upper 20’s for late night lows


Becoming cloudy, cold, rain or a wintry mix likely to develop in the afternoon; upper 30’s; a changeover to rain likely at night


Cloudy, brisk, cold, rain could change to sleet and then snow before the precipitation ends, near 40 degrees for highs, but temperatures should plunge late in the day and at night


Mainly sunny, blustery, bitter cold, near 20 degrees


Mainly sunny, quite cold, lower 30’s for highs


A cold and stormy weather pattern is getting locked in for the eastern US and there may be three different systems to deal with over the next week or so. Low pressure will head in our direction today and it’ll produce some accumulating snow around here tonight with a coating to an inch or two inches likely by morning. There is a chance that the snow changes to sleet and/or light freezing rain towards daybreak just before the precipitation ends. A much more significant and complex storm is going to impact the I-95 corridor this weekend and everything is on the table for this event including heavy rain, and accumulating ice and snow. Precipitation is likely to begin in the afternoon on Saturday as rain or a wintry mix and then likely changeover to rain at night. The rain could change to sleet, freezing rain and then snow on Sunday as colder air rushes in behind the system. In fact, a plunge in temperatures late Sunday following the departure of the storm can cause a quick freeze-up on many surfaces with potential hazardous conditions developing. The coldest air mass of the season so far will likely result in single digit lows by early Monday morning and highs may very well be confined to the upper teens to start the new work week.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.