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7:00 AM | ***Accumulating snow likely to precede bitter cold blast of Arctic degrees possible here by Thursday morning***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Accumulating snow likely to precede bitter cold blast of Arctic degrees possible here by Thursday morning***

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Partly sunny, cold, highs in the low-to-mid 30’s


Increasing clouds, cold, lows in the mid 20’s


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance of rain and/or snow in the morning, rain likely in the afternoon, lower 40’s for afternoon highs

Tuesday Night

Rain changes to snow, becoming breezy, quite cold by morning with lows near 20 degrees


Partly sunny, windy with gusts past 40 mph possible, quite cold, snow showers are possible, maybe a heavier snow squall, low-to-mid 20’s


Bone-chilling cold, brisk, mainly sunny skies, low-to-mid teens for highs!!


Partly sunny, still very cold, mid 20’s


Partly sunny, cold, near 30 degrees


*Extreme cold is headed to the north-central US – potentially historic for places like Chicago, Illinois - and it will spread to the east coast at mid-week…near zero degrees likely here by Thursday morning.* High pressure is in control today as we begin a new work week, but the quiet weather will change on Tuesday as a strong cold front slides toward the eastern seaboard. Low pressure will form along the cold frontal boundary zone on Tuesday and a mixed bag of precipitation is likely to change to all snow by early tomorrow night. Accumulations are possible by late tomorrow evening on the order of 1-3 inches and travel may become hazardous as temperatures fall. An Arctic boundary will slide through on Wednesday with strong wind gusts and possible snow showers - perhaps even a heavier snow squall. The brunt of the Arctic blast arrives on Wednesday night and temperatures by Thursday morning are likely to be near zero degrees with a minimal warm up expected on Thursday afternoon.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.