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7:00 AM | ***Strong winds today with snow showers...weekend accumulating snow threat***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Strong winds today with snow showers...weekend accumulating snow threat***

Paul Dorian

6-Day DC Forecast


More clouds than sun, becoming very windy and cold, scattered afternoon snow showers which can be mixed with sleet, temperatures holding steady in the 40's this morning and dropping this afternoon


Mainly cloudy, quite breezy, cold, maybe an early snow shower, lows in the mid-to-upper 20’s


Mainly sunny, still very windy and even colder, mid 30’s for afternoon highs

Thursday Night

Partly cloudy, brisk, very cold, low-to-mid 20’s for late night lows


Mainly sunny, quite breezy and cold, mid 30’s


Mainly cloudy, cold, good chance of PM snow, low-to-mid 30’s


Mainly cloudy, cold, good chance of snow, mid 30’s


Mainly sunny, breezy, quite cold, mid 30’s


The pressure gradient will tighten today between intensifying low pressure over New England and strong high pressure over southern Canada and this will result in strong winds around here with gusts past 40 mph and there can be accompanying PM snow shower activity. Winds may slacken off a bit tonight as diurnal heating dissipates only to resume at rather high levels again during the day on Thursday. Temperatures will actually drop some between today and Thursday following the passage of a secondary cold front and highs will struggle to reach the mid 30's on Friday although winds will be somewhat reduced to end the work week. By the weekend, low pressure will be gathering strength over the Gulf of Mexico at the same time strong high pressure will slide east across south-central Canada. The upper atmosphere will feature two waves of energy by early Saturday – one in the northern jet stream over the western Great Lakes and the other down in the south-central US. There a few days to go and these upper-level features are still a long way away, but it looks like accumulating snow is a good bet in the DC metro region from Saturday afternoon into Sunday...stay tuned.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.