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7:00 AM | **It'll be a struggle today just to reach the middle 30's for highs**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **It'll be a struggle today just to reach the middle 30's for highs**

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City, NY metro region


Mainly sunny, very cold for mid-November, temperatures will struggle to reach the middle 30's – perhaps resulting in the “lowest” high temperature ever recorded for the date


Mainly clear and very cold, lows in the lower 20’s


Partly sunny, not as harsh, but still below-normal, mid 40’s for afternoon highs

Thursday Night

Mainly cloudy, cold, near 35 degrees for late night lows


Mainly sunny, a bit milder, but still below-normal, near 50 degrees


Mainly sunny, cold, upper 30’s


Partly sunny, cold, low-to-mid 40’s


Mainly cloudy, chilly, chance of rain late, upper 40's


Low temperature records were set this morning in dozens and dozens of locations across the eastern US including at the following nearby stations: JFK, LGA, Newark, NJ and Central Park, NY. In fact, Central Park has had record lows 3 times in just the past few days (11/8, 11/12, 11/13). Despite plenty of sunshine today, temperatures will struggle to reach the middle 30's which may be the “lowest” high temperature ever recorded here on November 13th. The unusual early season chill will only slowly moderate on Thursday and Friday and then take a step backwards on Saturday following the passage of another cold front which may knock ten degrees off the afternoon highs between Friday and Saturday. By early next week, we’ll have to watch low pressure near the coastline as it tracks northeastward over the western Atlantic.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.