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7:00 AM | ****Round 2 of extended and significant winter weather event to bring more accumulating snow, ice and then rain****


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ****Round 2 of extended and significant winter weather event to bring more accumulating snow, ice and then rain****

Paul Dorian

6-Day Philadelphia Forecast


Cloudy, cold, snow early today then a chance of snow during the mid-day and afternoon hours possibly mixed with sleet and/or freezing rain, highs in the mid 30’s


Cloudy, cold, snow likely in the evening, snow mixed with sleet and freezing rain after midnight, breezy, lows in the upper 20’s


A wintry mix of sleet and freezing rain becoming all plain rain late in the afternoon, becoming windy, mid 30’s for late day highs

Tuesday Night

Rain may mix with or change back to snow and/or sleet late at night, cold, lower 30's for overnight lows


Becoming partly sunny, windy, cold, snow or rain showers possible early, lower 40’s


Mainly sunny, cold, low-to-mid 40’s


Mainly cloudy, milder, chance for rain, lower 50's


Mainly cloudy, chilly, chance for showers, mid 40’s


An extended and significant winter weather event that began last night will continue into tomorrow, but there may be a lull in the precipitation during today’s mid-day and afternoon hours. Copious amounts of moisture will flow northeastward into the Mid-Atlantic region later today and snow is likely to re-develop by late in the day or early tonight after the possible lull. Snow should continue into the overnight hours and then mix with or change to sleet and freezing rain. A wintry mix on Tuesday will then change to plain rain late as winds pick up and temperatures climb above freezing. New snow and ice accumulations between this morning and early tomorrow should be on the order of 2-5 inches and road conditions could be impacted right through early Tuesday. More frozen precipitation is possible late tomorrow night for a brief time as the storm winds down.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.