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Tuesday, Feb 5, 2019, 1:00 PM | *Major ice event in the offing for much of Michigan from late tonight into early Wednesday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Tuesday, Feb 5, 2019, 1:00 PM | *Major ice event in the offing for much of Michigan from late tonight into early Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

A major ice event is likely in much of Michigan from late tonight into early Wednesday; map courtesy NOAA,

A major ice event is in the offing for Auburn Hills, MI which could result in a dangerous Wednesday morning commute.  High pressure over central Canada is drifting to the east today and is a source of low-level cold air which will play a major role in potential icing late tonight and early Wednesday as moisture arrives in the region.  A southern stream of energy will ride along a temperature boundary zone on Wednesday and stay just south of the Michigan state line allowing for the low-level cold air to stand its ground.  Warm and moist air from the south will ride up and over the entrenched cold air mass at the surface and the bulk of the precipitation from this system will fall as freezing rain in a 6-hour period from around 3AM to 9AM. 

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.