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7:00 AM | ****Storm #1 winds down early today....storm #2 arrives tonight with more snow...storm #3 later Sunday into Monday with additional accumulations possible...then Arctic cold****


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ****Storm #1 winds down early today....storm #2 arrives tonight with more snow...storm #3 later Sunday into Monday with additional accumulations possible...then Arctic cold****

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Mainly cloudy with light snow that may end as a bit of freezing drizzle or what I like to call "snizzle", a rain or snow shower possible this afternoon, cold, highs in the upper 30’s


More rain, sleet and/or snow is likely early tonight then snow late with a couple inches of accumulation possible by morning, cold, lows near freezing


Chance of snow or a wintry mix early then remaining cloudy with a touch of light rain in the afternoon, cold, near 40 degrees for afternoon highs

Saturday Night

Mainly cloudy, cold, lower 30’s for overnight lows


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance of rain, sleet and/or snow late in the afternoon which may transition to all snow at night, accumulations are possible on Sunday night; especially, to the north and west of the metro region, lower 40’s


Chance of snow or a wintry mix early then becoming partly sunny late, breezy, cold, mid-to-upper 30’s


Mainly sunny, breezy, very cold, lower 30’s


Mainly sunny, very cold, near 30 degrees


March is coming in like a lion with overnight accumulating snow and two more storms are on the way. Low pressure is now heading towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline and it is bringing us round one of an extended precipitation event. That same low pressure system will hang around the Mid-Atlantic coastline during the remainder of today and it’ll get energized by early tonight as upper-level energy passes overhead. As a result, after a break for awhile in the precipitation, more rain, sleet and/or snow can fall early tonight and then likely transition to all snow late with additional accumulations of a couple inches possible. Yet another wintry precipitation event is headed to the NYC metro region for later Sunday into early Monday. This next system will have plenty of available moisture; consequently, a lot of potential, but it is unclear as to where the all-important rain/snow line may set up. Rain, sleet and/or snow can break out in the Mid-Atlantic region during the afternoon hours on Sunday and then possibly transition to all snow Sunday night with snow accumulations possible to the north and west of the metro area...stay tuned. All of this will be followed by Arctic cold for the first full week of March.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.