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7:00 AM | *Unusual cold shot reaches its bottom on Wednesday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Unusual cold shot reaches its bottom on Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

6-Day DC Forecast


Mainly sunny, quite cold, highs in the mid 30’s (normal high now at DCA is 50 degrees)


Some clouds early then mainly clear late, quite breezy, very cold, lows in the upper teens


A mix of sun and clouds, windy, very cold for early March, upper 20’s for afternoon highs with painful wind chills

Wednesday Night

Partly cloudy, very cold, mid-to-upper teens for overnight lows


Mainly sunny, still breezy, very cold, mid 30’s


Mainly cloudy, still quite cold, chance of snow perhaps mixed with rain south and east of DC, near 40 degrees


Partly sunny, a bit milder, chance of a rain or snow shower, near 45 degrees


Mainly cloudy, milder, good chance of rain, low-to-mid 50's


An Arctic air mass has flooded the eastern half of the nation and the coldest air temperatures and strongest winds will take place on Wednesday. The next low pressure system to monitor will arrive in the Mid-Atlantic region on Friday on the back end of this unusual cold spell and it could result in some snow or perhaps a rain/snow mix south and east of DC. It’ll turn milder this weekend and an area of rain is likely to move into the eastern states on Sunday ahead of another cold frontal system.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.