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7:00 AM | *Heavy rain event likely from Friday into late Friday night and there can be strong-to-severe thunderstorms included*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Heavy rain event likely from Friday into late Friday night and there can be strong-to-severe thunderstorms included*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the DC metro region


Mainly sunny, not nearly as windy as yesterday, becoming milder after a cold start, highs in the mid-to-upper 60’s


Mainly cloudy, mild, lows in the lower 50’s


Mainly cloudy, a bit cooler, maybe a shower, low-to-mid 60's for afternoon highs

Wednesday Night

Mainly cloudy, mild, maybe a shower or two, lower 50’s for overnight lows


Partly sunny, becoming warmer, maybe a shower or two, mid 70’s


Mainly cloudy, becoming quite windy and warm, chance of showers and thunderstorms and the threat will increase at night, some of the rain can be heavy and some of the storms can be strong-to-severe, lower 70’s


Mainly cloudy, mild, occasional showers and possible thunderstorms, mid-to-upper 60’s


Partly sunny, mild, maybe a shower, mid 60’s


The upcoming Easter weekend will be somewhat unsettled and it may be preceded by a deluge from later Friday into late Friday night. High pressure builds into the area today and winds will remain noticeable, but less of a factor than yesterday. A frontal system will approach the region in the overnight hours with the buildup of clouds and it’ll stall nearby keeping the threat for showers alive from later Wednesday into Thursday. This front will advance to the north of here as a warm front by later Thursday and we'll turn warmer and winds will intensify noticeably to close out the work week. In addition, as a strong cold front slowly works its way towards the east coast, rain will break out on Friday and it is likely to turn into a heavy rain event. Thunderstorms are also possible during this late week heavy rain event which can reach strong-to-severe levels. Instability showers are possible this weekend, but it doesn't look like a total washout.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.