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7:00 AM | **50 mph wind gusts possible later today as a much colder air mass arrives...snow-to-ice-to-rain on Saturday with front end accumulations likely**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **50 mph wind gusts possible later today as a much colder air mass arrives...snow-to-ice-to-rain on Saturday with front end accumulations likely**

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City, NY metro region


Partly sunny, chilly, becoming very windy with gusts possible to 50 mph, a few PM snow showers are possible, maybe even a heavier snow squall, highs in the upper 40’s early


Partly cloudy with a couple of snow showers possible, very windy, quite cold, lows in the lower 20’s


Mainly sunny, windy, cold, lower 30’s for afternoon highs

Friday Night

Increasing clouds, quite cold, light and variable winds, near 20 degrees


Mainly cloudy, cold, snow is likely to develop during the early afternoon hours and may transition to a wintry mix late in the day, accumulations on the order of 1-3 inches are possible before any changeover takes place, mid-to-upper 30’s; a wintry mix or rain at night which could change back to snow late


Becoming mainly sunny, windy, cold, upper 30’s


Mainly sunny, quite cold, near 30 degrees


Mainly sunny, still quite cold, near 30 degrees


Temperatures climbed past 50 degrees on Wednesday which is well above-normal for mid-January but a much colder air mass arrives today following the passage of a strong cold frontal system. The much colder air mass will ride into the region on strong NW winds that can gust to 50 mph at times later today into early tonight. Strong high pressure will build into southeastern Canada on Friday and high temperatures here will struggle to pass the freezing mark and therein lies a problem for Saturday. Low pressure will move from the Upper Midwest on Saturday to the central Great Lakes and precipitation will move east into our area most likely during the early afternoon hours. Given the cold and dry air mass in place as we begin the weekend, there is likely to be an extended period of frozen precipitation at the onset with snow accumulations possible in the 1-3 inch range. Temperatures will struggle to climb through the 30’s on Saturday, but a changeover to plain rain is possible by day’s end or early on Saturday night. Another cold air mass will arrive on Sunday again riding in on strong NW winds and Monday and Tuesday promise to feature some of the coldest weather so far this season.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.