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7:00 AM | ***A major rain event from later tomorrow into Friday...colder on Friday with a possible changeover to snow north and west...first freeze late Friday night...a cold Halloween***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***A major rain event from later tomorrow into Friday...colder on Friday with a possible changeover to snow north and west...first freeze late Friday night...a cold Halloween***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Mainly cloudy in the morning nwith light rain or drizzle, becoming partly sunny this afternoon, mild, highs near 60 degrees


Mainly cloudy, chilly, chance of showers late, lows in the upper 40’s


Mainly cloudy, cool, becoming breezy, periods of rain, some of the rain can become heavy at times, low-to-mid 50’s for afternoon highs

Thursday Night

Mainly cloudy, turning colder, breezy, periods of rain, some of the rain will be heavy at times, watch for localized flooding, near 40 degrees for late night lows


Cold and breezy with mainly cloudy, continued threat of rain, an outside chance at a changeover to snow before the precipitation ends, low-to-mid 40’s; first freeze likely late at night


Patchy frost early then mainly sunny, quite chilly for Halloween Day, near 50 degrees


Partly sunny, not as cool, maybe a shower or two, near 55 degrees


Mainly sunny, colder, near 50 degrees


After landfall later today, the remains of “Zeta” will turn northeast and combine with a strong upper-level low to generate a powerful storm system and a significant rain event is coming to the Mid-Atlantic region from tomorrow into early Friday. By late tomorrow night, this powerful storm will likely be situated off the Mid-Atlantic coastline and a cold air mass will begin to get wrapped in. As a result, there is a good chance that some of the higher elevation, interior sections of the Northeast US (e.g., Poconos, Catskills, Hudson Valley) experience a changeover from rain to snow with accumulations certainly on the table. Following the departure of the storm, it’ll turn quite cold on Friday night with the first freeze of the season likely and low temperatures near 30 degrees. On Saturday, temperatures could very well average out to be some fifteen degrees below-normal making for quite a cold time of it for trick-or-treaters as we end the month of October. One final note, this is the weekend to turn the clocks back as of early Sunday morning, November 1st.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.