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7:00 AM | ****Major rain event in the Mid-Atlantic region on Thursday/Thursday night****


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ****Major rain event in the Mid-Atlantic region on Thursday/Thursday night****

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, PA metro region


A mix of clouds and sun, breezy, mild, chance for a shower or two, highs in the lower 60’s


Mainly cloudy, quite breezy, cool, chance for rain late, lows in the lower 50’s


Occasional showers in the morning then periods of rain, maybe a thunderstorm or two, some of the rain will be heavy at times, windy, mild, watch for localized flooding, mid 60’s for afternoon highs

Thursday Night

Periods of rain, maybe a thunderstorm or two, some of the rain will be heavy at times, windy, mild, watch for localized flooding, lower 50's for late night lows


Mainly cloudy with occasional showers likely, mild, near 60 degrees


Mainly sunny, milder, mid 60’s


Increasing clouds, warm, chance of showers late in the day or at night, near 70 degrees


Partly sunny, mild, chance of showers, mid-to-upper 60’s


**A major rain event is on the way**...The active weather pattern that we have been experiencing in the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US over the past few weeks will continue well into May aided in part by a continuation of cold air outbreaks from Canada into the central and eastern US. The upper-level jet stream across the country as we close out the month of April is very active and has featured numerous strong waves of energy in recent days and another one is on the way. This next powerful wave of energy aloft will dive southeast from southwestern Canada into the Upper Midwest by this afternoon and then slide into the Mid-Atlantic region by late tomorrow. The combination of this wave of energy in the upper atmosphere, a painfully slow-moving surface frontal system, and a strong flow of very humid air up along the east coast will result in a major rain event for the Mid-Atlantic region on Thursday into Thursday night. Given the well saturated grounds from recent rains, this next soaking rain event could very well lead to localized flash flooding conditions – something to closely monitor. Looking ahead, the good news is that the weekend looks like it’ll start off with very nice weather on Saturday and it could hold on for much of Sunday as well before more showers return to the area.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.