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7:00 AM | *Heat and humidity to climb for the weekend...strong-to-severe storm threat late Saturday into Sunday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Heat and humidity to climb for the weekend...strong-to-severe storm threat late Saturday into Sunday*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Mainly sunny, comfortably warm, chance of late day showers and thunderstorms, highs in the mid 80’s


Becoming partly cloudy, mild, maybe an evening shower or thunderstorm, lows in the mid 60’s


Mainly sunny, comfortably warm, mid 80’s for afternoon highs

Friday Night

Partly cloudy, mild, upper 60’s for late night lows


Partly sunny, hot, more humid, chance of late day and evening showers and thunderstorms, some of the storms can be strong-to-severe, near 90 degrees


Partly sunny, very warm, humid, chance of showers and thunderstorms, upper 80’s


Mainly sunny, quite warm, upper 80’s


Mainly sunny, warm, chance of showers and thunderstorms, mid 80’s


After a comfortable and rain-free day on Wednesday, the chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase again later today and early tonight as a weak frontal system approaches the area. The work week will end on another pretty comfortable note as high pressure centered over the Southeast US extends its reach into the Mid-Atlantic region. On the backside of this high pressure system, warmer and more humid air will push into the Ohio Valley and Mid-Atlantic regions this weekend and the chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase along with the heat and humidity. Some of the storms that form late Saturday into Sunday can be on the strong-to-severe side; especially, north of the PA/MD border. One final note, some of the very dry and dusty Sahara Desert air that has now pushed into the southern US can make it into the Mid-Atlantic region over the next few days possibly resulting in more colorful sunrises and sunsets.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.