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7:00 AM | ***Lots of available moisture in the Mid-Atlantic region with additional showers and possible strong for localized flooding***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Lots of available moisture in the Mid-Atlantic region with additional showers and possible strong for localized flooding***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, PA metro region


Mainly cloudy, warm, humid, occasional showers and the possibility of a couple of strong thunderstorms, some of the rain can be heavy, highs in the lower 80’s


Mostly cloudy with evening showers and thunderstorms likely, some of the rain can be heavy, mild, lows near 65 degrees


Partly sunny, comfortable, cannot rule out a shower, mid-to-upper 70’s for afternoon highs

Friday Night

Partly cloudy, cool, near 60 degrees for overnight lows


Partly sunny, nice, mid 70’s


Mainly cloudy, breezy, a bit warmer and more humid, chance of late day showers and thunderstorms, near 80 degrees


Mainly sunny, breezy, pleasant, maybe a shower, mid-to-upper 70’s


Mainly sunny, even cooler, lower 70’s


Strong high pressure has pushed offshore and a cold front is approaching the Mid-Atlantic region from our northwest and it’ll keep it unsettled around here today with additional showers and possible strong thunderstorms. With the added boost of tropical moisture, some of the rainfall today and tonight can be heavy at times. This same front will tend to stall out later tonight just to our south and it’ll battle with high pressure to our north over the next couple of days. A comfortable air mass will push into the Mid-Atlantic region for Friday and Saturday; however, a few showers cannot be ruled out with the stalled front in close proximity. The front lifts northward on Sunday as a warm front and it could generate showers and thunderstorms as we close out the upcoming weekend.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.