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7:00 AM | *Cold front arrives this afternoon...late week storm could stay to our south and east, but still needs monitoring*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Cold front arrives this afternoon...late week storm could stay to our south and east, but still needs monitoring*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Washington, D.C. metro region


Mainly cloudy, cold, good chance for scattered rain and/or snow showers with ice pellets possibly in the mix as well, highs in the lower 40’s


Mainly cloudy, cold, lows near the freezing mark


Mainly sunny, cold, low-to-mid 40's for afternoon highs

Wednesday Night

Mainly clear, cold, near 30 degrees for late night lows


Mainly sunny, cold, low-to-mid 40's


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance of rain and/or snow, near 40 degrees


Mainly sunny, cold, near 40 degrees


Mainly sunny, cold, lower 40’s


A cold front will pass through the area this afternoon and bring with it a good chance of rain and/or snow showers and ice pellets can mix in as well. High pressure will take control of the weather around here for Wednesday and Thursday and then we’ll have to watch the movement of a storm system expected to be over the Carolinas as we close out the work week on Friday. This system could stay to our south and east and head out-to-sea, but it is still something to monitor as a turn to the north cannot yet be ruled out. Another winter storm is likely to threaten the southern and eastern US next week and this one will need to be closely monitored right through the upcoming weekend as it has great potential.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.