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7:00 AM | *Well up into the 60's this afternoon...much colder and windy on Friday...lunar eclipse late tonight weather permitting*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Well up into the 60's this afternoon...much colder and windy on Friday...lunar eclipse late tonight weather permitting*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Mainly sunny this morning, but there will be an increase in clouds late this afternoon, becoming breezy and very mild, highs in the upper 60’s; SW winds at 5-15 mph


Showers likely in the evening and then gradual clearing after midnight, windy and turning colder late, lows in the mid-to-upper 30’s


Mainly sunny, windy and cold, mid-to-upper 40’s for afternoon highs           

Friday Night             

Mainly clear, quite cold with some of the lowest readings so far, upper 20’s for late night lows           


Mainly sunny, cold, but not as windy as Friday, mid-to-upper 40’s


Mainly cloudy, a bit milder, low-to-mid 50’s; showers likely at night            


Mainly cloudy, chilly, showers likely, lower 50’s           


Partly sunny, windy, quite cold, chance of snow showers, lower 40’s


The warm up that began on Wednesday will peak this afternoon with temperatures climbing to the upper 60’s just ahead of the next strong cold front.  The passage of this next cold front will come with a few showers and it’ll usher in much colder air for Friday and there will be a noticeable NW wind to make it feel even colder than the actual air temperature.  It remains cold on Saturday with the day likely starting in the upper 20’s in many spots, but the wind will be less of a factor compared to Friday.  Another strong cold front will arrive by early next week with showers likely on Sunday night and Monday morning and this system will usher in the coldest air mass so far this season.  By Tuesday, temperatures will be well below-normal and winds will be strong from the northwest and instability in the atmosphere could cause some snow shower activity in the Mid-Atlantic region. It looks quieter again for the busy travel days of next Wednesday and Thursday.  

One final note, there will be a partial (almost total at 97%) eclipse of the moon very late tonight from 2:18 AM to 5:47 AM (with peak around 4:02 AM). This is actually going to be the longest partial lunar eclipse in nearly 600 years. It’ll be a close call with respect to the sky cover as clouds should gradually clear after midnight and it’ll be cold and windy.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian