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7:00 AM | *Cold and dry today...a surge of record warmth possible here on Saturday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Cold and dry today...a surge of record warmth possible here on Saturday*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Some sun today to be followed by increasing clouds, cold, highs near 40 degrees; NW winds around 5 mph


Mainly cloudy, cold, lows in the lower 30’s


Mainly cloudy, not as cold, maybe a shower or two, near 50 degrees for afternoon highs           

Friday Night             

Mainly cloudy, chilly, chance of showers, lower 40’s for late night lows           


Mainly cloudy, becoming windy with gusts to 40 mph, unseasonably warm with possible record-breaking highs, chance of showers, maybe a thunderstorm, mid 60’s (record high at Central Park is 64 degrees set way back in 1879)


Mainly sunny, breezy, noticeably colder, mid-to-upper 40’s


Mainly sunny, chilly, lower 50’s


Partly sunny, milder, low-to-mid 50’s


Today will be a cold and dry day in the Mid-Atlantic region with plenty of cloud cover, but a big time warm up is coming by the weekend ahead of the next strong cold front.  The surge of warmth expected on Saturday is likely to come with strong southwesterly winds and record high temperatures in much of the eastern US including perhaps the DC, Philly and NYC metro regions. Temperatures could actually soar into the mid 60’s around here which threaten the record of 64 degrees set way back in 1879.  It’ll turn noticeably colder on Sunday following the passage of a strong cold front. However, the bulk of next week looks to be quite warm across the eastern two-thirds of the nation as strong high pressure ridging develops over the Great Lakes.  

Meteorologist Paul Dorian