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7:00 AM | ***Wintry mess this weekend likely to include some icing...two more storms to deal with next week and icing will be on the table for both events***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Wintry mess this weekend likely to include some icing...two more storms to deal with next week and icing will be on the table for both events***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania metro region


Clouds and some limited sunshine, cold, highs in the upper 20’s; NE winds at 5-10 mph


Mainly cloudy, quite cold, lows near 20 degrees


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance for some snow and/or sleet in the afternoon, upper 20’s for afternoon highs

Saturday Night

Mainly cloudy, cold, chance for some snow, sleet and/or freezing rain, mid 20’s for late night lows


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance for some snow, sleet and/or freezing rain, near 35 degrees


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance for some snow, sleet and/or freezing rain later in the day, low-to-mid 30’s; more significant snow, sleet and/or freezing rain likely at night


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance of snow, sleet and/or freezing rain, low-to-mid 30’s


Partly sunny, cold, mid 30’s


A very active weather pattern continues for much of the nation and it will continue here right through next week. One fast-moving system is now exiting the Mid-Atlantic region and another system will bring us a wintry mess this weekend likely to include some icing. In fact, icing could very well be a problem here not only this weekend, but also twice next week as we will have to deal with two separate storm systems. The weekend system does not look all that strong, but it doesn’t take much in the way of ice to cause some problems and temperatures should remain below freezing for much of the time. Looking ahead, there is likely to a significant storm to deal with later Monday into Tuesday and then another one later next week with ice on the table in both events.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.