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7:00 AM | ***A burst of snow - possibly mixed with sleet and/or freezing rain - by mid morning can quickly cause slick conditions; primarily, to the north and west of the District***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***A burst of snow - possibly mixed with sleet and/or freezing rain - by mid morning can quickly cause slick conditions; primarily, to the north and west of the District***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Washington, D.C. metro region


Mostly cloudy, cold, snow likely to develop by mid morning possibly mixed with sleet and/or freezing rain, precipitation should to change to rain by early-afternoon, accumulation of a coating to an inch or two possible in the northern and western suburbs before any changeover to rain, highs in the lower 40's; S winds at 10-15 mph; gusts to 20 mph


Partly cloudy, cold, lows in the lower 30’s


Partly sunny, milder, near 50 degrees for afternoon highs

Tuesday Night

Mainly clear, cold, lower 30’s for late night lows


Partly sunny, breezy, even milder, upper 50’s


Mainly sunny, a bit colder, near 50 degrees


Mainly sunny, cold, lower 40’s


Partly sunny, cold, mid 40’s


A bit of a tricky situation today as we begin the new work week as there can be a burst of moderate-to-heavy snow possibly mixed with sleet and/or freezing rain that can even result in some accumulations before milder air pushes in to change the precipitation to plain rain. A frontal system will slide through the region today with high pressure situated off the east coast and it’ll likely be just cold enough at the start for some frozen precipitation with a coating to an inch or two of snow possible in areas to the north and west of the District. A southerly flow on the back side of the high will boost afternoon temperatures to 40 degrees and snow should change to plain rain across the region before winding down. The rest of the week looks rather quiet and it’ll get much milder at mid-week.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.