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6:00 AM | ****Severe weather a big threat today and tonight in northern Alabama/southern Tennessee...severe thunderstorms can come in 3 different rounds from this morning through the evening hours****


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

6:00 AM | ****Severe weather a big threat today and tonight in northern Alabama/southern Tennessee...severe thunderstorms can come in 3 different rounds from this morning through the evening hours****

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for Huntsville, Alabama metro region


Mainly cloudy, warm, showers and thunderstorms, some of the storms can be severe and some of the rain can be heavy, highs in the low-to-mid 70’s; SE winds at 5-10 mph; gusts to 25 mph


Mainly cloudy, breezy, mild, showers and thunderstorms, some of the storms can be severe and some of the rain can be heavy, lows in the mid-to-upper 50’s


Partly sunny, breezy, not as warm, chance of early morning showers and thunderstorms, lower 60’s for afternoon highs

Thursday Night

Mainly cloudy, breezy, colder, mid-to-upper 40’s for late night lows


Mainly cloudy, breezy, even cooler, mid-to-upper 50’s


Mainly sunny, mild, lower 60’s


Partly sunny, mild, mid 60’s


Partly sunny, warm, near 70 degrees


A very active day and night is coming to the Tennessee Valley with the chance of numerous severe thunderstorms containing damaging wind gusts and heavy rainfall. In addition to the threat of damaging winds and heavy rain, hail and even isolated tornadoes are on the table from later this morning through the evening hours. The unsettled weather is being caused in part by a very strong upper-level low pressure system that is now moving east from the middle of the country. Strong surface low pressure will develop over the OK/TX Panhandles later today as this upper-level feature passes overhead. Southwesterly flow aloft in this area will increase moisture levels and - as a warm front pushes to the north - showers and thunderstorms are likely to break out in the Tennessee Valley and they may come in three different waves. Round 1 may take place in the morning hours as a warm front pushes northward through the region. Later today and following the passage of the warm front, round 2 will take place with scattered convection in a warm and humid air mass. Finally, another line of storms can develop tonight ahead of an advancing cold frontal system. The bottom line…all of northern Alabama and southern Tennessee needs to prepare for the potential of numerous severe storms through the day and evening hours.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.