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7:00 AM | *Back door cool front to usher in onshore flow later today...very warm weekend coming*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Back door cool front to usher in onshore flow later today...very warm weekend coming*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania metro region


Mainly sunny, warm, chance of an isolated shower or thundershower, highs in the low-to-mid 80’s; NE-E winds at 5-10 mph


Partly cloudy, cool, lows in the mid 50’s


Mainly sunny, warm, low-to-mid 80’s for afternoon highs

Friday Night

Mainly cloudy, mild, near 60 degrees for late night lows


Partly sunny-to-mainly cloudy, quite warm, mid-to-upper 80’s


Mainly sunny, very warm, near 90 degrees


Partly sunny, not as warm, near 80 degrees


Partly sunny, warm, mid 80’s


Strong and sprawling high pressure over the northeastern quadrant of the nation will continue to be the main player around here during the next several days and a key to the season’s first extended unseasonably warm stretch of weather. There will be a back door cool front that pushes from east-to-west across the region later today and low-level easterly winds will develop and likely knock off at least a few degrees in the temperature department compared to Wednesday’s highs and overnight lows should be in the 50’s. A stronger and more conventional cool front is likely to drop southeast from the Great Lakes region at the end of the weekend and its passage should usher in somewhat cooler air for the early part of next week following a very warm weekend.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian