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7:00 AM | *Noticeably cooler today with occasional showers as front hangs up just to our south*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Noticeably cooler today with occasional showers as front hangs up just to our south*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania metro region


Mostly cloudy, much cooler with occasional showers, maybe a thunderstorm, temperatures struggle to reach 70 degrees for afternoon highs; E winds at 5-10 mph


Mainly cloudy, cool, still the chance of showers, lows in the upper 50’s


More clouds than sun, warmer, cannot rule out a shower or thunderstorm, near 80 degrees for afternoon highs

Saturday Night

Mainly cloudy, mild, maybe a shower, lower 60’s for late night lows


Partly sunny, warm, chance of late day or nighttime showers and thunderstorms, near 80 degrees


Mainly sunny, warm, maybe a shower, lower 80’s


Mainly sunny, warm, near 80 degrees


Mainly sunny, pleasant, breezy, mid 70’s


A cold front grudgingly pushed through the region yesterday and its passage has ushered in noticeably cooler air to end the work week. This frontal passage, however, has not ended our rain threat as it has stalled-out just to the south and low pressure has formed along its boundary zone generating additional showers for the region. The weekend will start off with pretty decent weather as high pressure returns, but the next cold front should generate some shower and thunderstorm activity for late Sunday and Sunday night. Looking ahead, a rather refreshing and cooler-than-normal air mass will push into the Northeast US by the middle of next week at the same time the Southwest US experiences some extreme heat. This pattern change will be the result of a vigorous upper-level low that will drop southeastward from Canada into the Northeast US at the same time strong high pressure ridging builds into the southwestern states. In addition, there is likely to be the first tropical activity of the young Atlantic Basin season by later next over the Gulf of Mexico.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian