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7:00 AM | ***A cold, dry start to the week...very cold at mid-week...early weekend storm threat to monitor***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***A cold, dry start to the week...very cold at mid-week...early weekend storm threat to monitor***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Washington, D.C. metro region


Sun followed by clouds, cold, highs mid-to-upper 30’s; N winds around 5 mph this morning shifting to S winds in the afternoon at the same speed


Mostly cloudy, cold, lows near 30 degrees


Mainly cloudy, chilly, windy, chance of a bit of rain, lower 40’s for afternoon highs

Tuesday Night             

Mainly cloudy, cold, windy, upper teens for late night lows           


One of the coldest days so far…mainly sunny, windy, quite cold, upper 20’s with even lower wind chills


Mainly sunny, still quite cold, near 30 degrees


Increasing clouds, cold, chance of snow at night, mid-to-upper 30’s


Mainly cloudy, windy, cold, chance of snow, near 30 degrees


The passage of a cold front on Sunday night has ushered in a reinforcing cold air mass for the Mid-Atlantic region as we begin a new week.  High pressure will control the weather around here today, but by Tuesday we’ll come under the influence of weak low pressure that can generate a bit of snow and/or rain in the region. Arctic high pressure takes over at mid-week and Wednesday could very well turn out to be the coldest day of the season so far. At the end of the week, a strong storm is likely to form just off the eastern seaboard. This storm can have a significant impact on the region in the Friday night/Saturday time frame depending on its ultimate track…stay tuned…it’ll be an interesting week.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather