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7:00 AM | **Milder today, but another Arctic shot for the mid-week...monitoring early weekend storm threat**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **Milder today, but another Arctic shot for the mid-week...monitoring early weekend storm threat**

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Washington, D.C. metro region


Clouds early then becoming partly sunny, not as cold, breezy, can be a sprinkle or a flurry, highs in the lower 40’s; W-NW winds increasing to 10-20 mph


Becoming mainly clear, breezy, quite cold, lows near 20 degrees


Mainly sunny, quite cold, breezy, upper 20’s for afternoon highs with even lower wind chills

Wednesday Night             

Mainly clear, very cold, middle teens for late night lows           


Partly sunny, still quite cold, lower 30’s


Increasing clouds, cold, chance of snow later in the day and/or at night, mid-to-upper 30’s


Mainly cloudy, cold, becoming windy, chance of snow early, near 30 degrees


Partly sunny, windy, quite cold, lower 30’s


A cold and active weather pattern will continue this last full week of January across the eastern US and there is the potential for an important ocean storm early this weekend. Any impact in the Mid-Atlantic region would likely be in the late Friday/Saturday time frame and it will largely depend on the ultimate track of the storm and its intensification rate. Many ingredients are going to come together at the end of the week that will allow for rapid intensification of surface low pressure, but whether it pushes far enough offshore for just a minimal impact around here or comes closer to the coast with a bigger impact remains unclear at this point…stay tuned.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather