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7:00 AM | ***Arctic blast takes hold for next couple of days...monitoring intense ocean storm threat for late week/early weekend***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Arctic blast takes hold for next couple of days...monitoring intense ocean storm threat for late week/early weekend***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Mainly sunny, very cold, breezy, highs in the mid-to-upper 20’s; W-NW winds at 10-15 mph


Mainly clear, bitter cold, lows in the low-to-middle teens


Mainly sunny, still quite cold, near 30 degrees for afternoon highs

Thursday Night             

Increasing clouds, quite cold, near 20 degrees for late night lows           


Becoming mainly cloudy, cold, chance of snow in the afternoon and at night, mid 30’s


Mainly cloudy, cold, windy, chance of snow, near 30 degrees


Partly sunny, breezy, quite cold, upper 20’s


Mainly sunny, cold, low-to-mid 30’s


An Arctic air mass has pushed into the Mid-Atlantic region and the next couple of days will feature well below-normal temperatures for the latter part of January.  The core of the coldest air will be in place late tonight and late night temperatures lows will likely drop to the low-to-middle teens in much of the region.  Low pressure will form near the southeastern US coastline on Friday and enter a rapid intensification phase as it moves to the northeast at week’s end.  Snow is likely to break out here later Friday and continue into Saturday from what is looking increasingly likely to be an unfolding intense ocean storm with wide-ranging impacts. It is still a bit too early to determine the ultimate storm track and exactly when the explosive intensification will take place, but all residents in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US should continue to closely monitor this unfolding situation.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather