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6:30 AM | ***Wintry mix arrives early this morning...can cause slick spots; especially, in the N/W suburbs...plain rain later today and tonight and it can become heavy at times***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

6:30 AM | ***Wintry mix arrives early this morning...can cause slick spots; especially, in the N/W suburbs...plain rain later today and tonight and it can become heavy at times***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, PA metro region


Mainly cloudy with a wintry mix arriving early this morning that will transition to plain rain by afternoon, there can be small accumulations of ice and/or snow during the AM hours; especially, in the northern and western suburbs, watch out for slick spots, increasingly windy, highs not far from 40 degrees; E winds increasing to 10-20 mph; gusts later today to 35 mph


Mainly cloudy, cold, periods of rain, heavy at times, windy with gusts possible to 40 mph, lows near 40 degrees as temperatures will hold steady or even rise slightly


Mainly cloudy with still possible in the morning, windy, cold, lower 40’s for afternoon highs

Friday Night             

Partly cloudy, cold, upper 20’s for late night lows  


Mainly sunny, cold, near 40 degrees  


Mainly sunny, a bit colder, mid-to-upper 30’s


Mainly sunny, cold, mid-to-upper 30’s


Mainly sunny, cold, near 40 degrees


The precipitation field associated with a weakening storm system over the western Great Lakes and a newly developing secondary storm system over the Carolinas has arrived in the Philly metro region and is advancing from southwest-to-northeast. There can be small accumulations of ice and/or snow; especially, in the northern and western suburbs…watch out for slick spots throughout the morning. Increasingly strong easterly winds will develop later today as the low pressure system intensifies near the coast and this will pump in slightly milder maritime air leading to a transitioning of any wintry mix to plain rain by afternoon. The rain can get heavy later today and tonight to go along with those strong winds.  Temperatures will hold steady or even rise slightly tonight so I do not expect a freeze-up in the overnight hours.  The rain winds down tomorrow morning and the weekend will turn gradually colder and below-normal for this time of year.  

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather