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7:00 AM | **Watch for slick spots late tonight...rain, mild conditions here on Thursday ahead of an Arctic front...rain could change to ice and/or snow on Friday**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **Watch for slick spots late tonight...rain, mild conditions here on Thursday ahead of an Arctic front...rain could change to ice and/or snow on Friday**

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania metro region


Mainly sunny, cold, highs near 35 degrees; N-NE winds around 5 mph


Mainly cloudy, cold, watch for slick spots on the roads late, lows in the low-to-mid 20’s


Mainly cloudy, a bit milder, lower 40’s for highs

Wednesday Night             

Mainly cloudy, cold, chance of a rain shower late, lower 30’s for late night lows           


Mainly cloudy, mild, chance of rain, mid-to-upper 40’s


Mainly cloudy, turning much colder, rain can change to ice and then to snow as temperatures drop from early day highs; possible “freeze-up” conditions at night


Mainly sunny, quite cold, upper 20’s


Increasing clouds, cold, lower 30’s


It remains quite cold around here today with some sunshine and then we’ll have to watch out for some possible slick spots late tonight as there will be a combination of damp, low-level air with below freezing temperatures. An Arctic front will then press slowly to the south and east at mid-week across the nation’s heartland and this boundary zone will feature rainy and mild conditions on its warm side and accumulating ice and/or snow on the cold side.  In fact, accumulating ice and/or snow will likely impact a large area from Texas to the Northeast US before the week is done with some regions likely to experience some serious icing and significant snow accumulations.  It’ll turn milder in the Mid-Atlantic region by Thursday and rain is likely to fall around here.  However, as Arctic air filters into the region on Friday following the passage of the front, the rain can change to a period of sleet and/or freezing rain and then perhaps to all snow and “freeze-up” conditions are possible on Friday night. Looking ahead, there is the threat for another storm system to push northward into the Mid-Atlantic region at the end of the weekend…stay tuned.  

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather