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7:00 AM | ***Powerful winds late tonight into early Friday with arrival and passage of strong cold frontal system***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Powerful winds late tonight into early Friday with arrival and passage of strong cold frontal system***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Mainly cloudy, becoming windy and noticeably milder, highs in the lower 60’s; S-SW winds increasing to 10-20 mph; gusts to 30 mph


Mainly cloudy, mild, occasional showers and the rain can be briefly heavy, maybe a strong thunderstorm, very windy with the potential of gusts of 55+ mph towards morning, lows in the lower 50’s


Very windy early in the day with gusts of 55+ mph possible, clouds early, maybe a shower or thunderstorm, some sun returns for the mid-day and afternoon hours, temperatures to drop through the day from early morning highs

Friday Night             

Mainly clear, cold, winds die down, late night lows in the low-to-mid 20’s


Partly sunny, becoming very windy with gusts past 40 mph, cold, cannot rule out a snow shower or two, lower 40’s


Mainly sunny, chilly, lower 40’s


Mainly sunny, milder, low-to-mid 50’s


Mainly cloudy, mild, chance of rain, low-to-mid 50’s


Temperatures will surge today ahead of a strong cold frontal system and showers will become numerous later this evening. Some of the rain later tonight can fall briefly on the heavy side and there can be a strong thunderstorm or two mixed into the picture. Of more concern, however, is the likelihood for powerful winds later tonight into tomorrow morning and there can be potentially damaging wind gusts with scattered power outages certainly on the table. The time period of greatest concern will be in the hour or two immediately following the passage of the surface cold front associated with an expected surge in pressure and a shift in wind direction. The frontal passage is most likely going to take place somewhere between about 4 AM and 10 AM. Moderately chilly air will follow the frontal passage and then a reinforcing shot of cold arrives on Saturday supported by a strong wave aloft that can result in some snow shower activity across the northeastern states and more very windy conditions.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather