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7:00 Am | *Another nice couple of days with high pressure sitting nearby...showers likely on Thursday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 Am | *Another nice couple of days with high pressure sitting nearby...showers likely on Thursday*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Washington, D.C. metro region


Mainly sunny, mild, highs in the mid 60’s; S-SW winds around 5 mph  


Mainly clear, chilly, patchy fog possible late, lows near 45 degrees


Patchy fog possible early; otherwise, mainly sunny, mild, mid-to-upper 60’s for afternoon highs

Wednesday Night             

Becoming mainly cloudy, chilly, chance of showers late, upper 40’s for late night lows


Mainly cloudy, a bit cooler, good chance of showers, near 60 degrees


Sun followed by late day clouds, warm, lower 70’s; showers possible at night


Mainly cloudy, mild, chance of showers, mid 60’s  


Mainly sunny, cooler, near 60 degrees


With high pressure situated just off the coast, the weather around here will remain pretty pleasant for the next couple of days with sunshine each day and mild conditions.  Weak low pressure near the Mid-Atlantic coastline on Thursday will bring us plenty of clouds and a good chance of showers.  Very mild weather will close out the work week with highs on Friday likely near the 70 degree mark. Showers on Friday night and Saturday will signal the arrival of cooler air for the upcoming weekend.

One final note, you may have noticed some purplish sunsets (and sunrises) in recent days and weeks. This is still the result of the Tonga volcanic eruption that took place back in January. Fine volcanic aerosols in the stratosphere scatter blue light which, when mixed with ordinary sunset red, produces a violet hue. The purple color is often preceded by a yellow arch hugging the horizon. As the sun sets, violet beams emerge from the yellow, overlapping to fill the western sky with a soft purple glow.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather