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7:00 AM | ****Showers and possible severe storms later today into later weekend weather starts off unsettled, but ends well although it gets very warm****


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ****Showers and possible severe storms later today into later weekend weather starts off unsettled, but ends well although it gets very warm****

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, PA metro region


Mainly cloudy, warmer, more humid, breezy, occasional showers and possible thunderstorms, any storm later today can be strong-to-severe with downpours, highs in the upper 70’s; S winds increasing to 10-15 mph; gusts to 25 mph


Mainly cloudy, mild, breezy, showers and thunderstorms during the evening hours, some of the storms can be strong-to-severe with downpours, lows in the lower 60’s


Partly sunny, warm, windy, still the chance of showers, maybe eve a strong thunderstorm, the best chance for rain will be during the PM hours, but much of the day will be rain-free, upper 70’s for afternoon highs

Saturday Night             

Partly cloudy, mild early and turning cooler late, mid-to-upper 50’s for late night lows


Mainly sunny, warm, near 80 degrees


Mainly sunny, very warm, upper 80’s


Mainly sunny, very warm, near 90 degrees   


Mainly sunny, still very warm, near 90 degrees


The combination of an increasingly humid air mass, strong surface frontal system and a vigorous mid-level low will help to generate numerous showers in the Mid-Atlantic region from today into tonight and possible severe thunderstorms. In fact, there may be two bands of thunderstorms to closely monitor during this event- one during the mid-day/early afternoon hours and a second during the late evening. The main severe weather parameter threats will be damaging wind gusts and “flash-flooding” downpours., and isolated tornadoes are also on the table. The upper-level low will be rather slow-moving in an easterly direction and this will result in an unsettled weather day on Saturday with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms. The upper-level will then exit off the coast by Sunday resulting in improvement to end the weekend and the weather on Monday, Memorial Day, should feature plenty of sunshine, very warm conditions, and highs well up in the 80’s.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather