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7:00 AM | *Here we go again...another wet and unseasonably cool Saturday in the Mid-Atlantic region*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Here we go again...another wet and unseasonably cool Saturday in the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Washington, D.C. metro region


Mainly sunny, cooler than yesterday, highs in the upper 60’s; N winds around 5 mph


Becoming partly cloudy, chilly, lows near 50 degrees


Mainly cloudy, unseasonably cool, breezy, periods of rain, maybe a thunderstorm, near 60 degrees for afternoon highs

Saturday Night             

Mainly cloudy, chilly, periods of rain, maybe a thunderstorm, near 50 degrees for late night lows


Mainly cloudy skies in the AM, some sun in the PM, still quite cool and breezy, upper 50’s


Partly sunny, cool, chance of showers, upper 50’s


Partly sunny, cool, chance of showers, upper 50’s


Mainly sunny, cool, lower 60’s


Another wet and cool weekend is on the way to the Mid-Atlantic region which continues a recent trend. Low pressure will push to the Ohio Valley by early tomorrow and then it will give way to a secondary storm system that is to form near the Mid-Atlantic coastline. As a result, occasional rain is likely here on Saturday and Saturday night night and it will become unseasonably cool as well with a persistent onshore flow of air (E-NE winds)…a similar pattern to some prior weekends. The weather may not get much better on Sunday as the parent upper-level low will be a very slow mover. Consequently, showers will remain a threat early and temperatures should stay well below-normal on Sunday for the middle of October. In fact, it looks like the first half of next week will remain quite cool and unsettled with the continuing threat of showers underneath the very slow moving upper-level trough.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather